Milagro Theatre

Season 40: Hope, Courage & Resilience

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Season 40: Hope, Courage & Resilience


La Familia Milagro Esta Orgulloso de anunciar la temporada 40: Esperanza, Coraje y Resiliencia.  Teatro Milagro a elaborado la temporada 40 en torno la justicia social y la educacion sobre salud mental para las comunidades latinas, con enfoque en los jovenes involucrados en milagro, y en las escuelas. La programacion que hemos curado para Milagro Mainstage, Teatro Milagro, y mas, refleja nuestra busqueda para fomentar la comunidad adentro y afuera del teatro. 



SEPTIEMBRE 15 – 24 2023

Escrito por Maya Malan-Gonzalez 

Dirigida por Gabriela Portuguez

El titulo del obra Worry Dolls Surge de una costumbre guatemalteca de poner pequenas “munecas preocupantes” debajo de la almohada por la noche para, con suerta, elminar el estres y los miedos del dia. Munecos de miedo pueden ser mascaras, disfraces coloridos o titeres. Teatro Milagro se asociara con el departamneto de salud de Multonomah para poyar la creacion de un plan de estudios para las escuelas primarias y secundarias.  



Un original, bilingual Día de Muertos estreno mundial

Dirigido por Lawrence Siulagi

Cada otono en Portland, se conmemora a los muertos en el celebracion del dia de muertos. Este ano, celebramos nuestro 28 Dia de Muertos con una produccion, original Las Adelitas. Las Adelitas incluira bailando tradicional y musica, acompanado con elementos teatricos para celebrar los antepasados mediante la construccion de altares y el intercambio de tradiciones culturales.  Los talleres compartiran artesanias para la construccion de altares, como calaveras de azucar y flores de papel para decorar altares domesticos.


JANUARY 12 – 27, 2024

Written by Maya Malan-Gonzalez

This “Super Acto”, inspired by Teatro Campesino, will travel back in time to 1962 with Dolores Huerta to the farmworkers movement and share her co-founding of the UFW with Cesar Chavez. There will be Social Justice theatre workshops that will inspire students to become more involved in helping their own communities. The Dolores Huerta Foundation has given their approval for this new biographical play.


FEBRUARY 16 – MARCH 2, 2024

Spanish with English Supertitles

Written by Alicia Dogliotti and Federico Roca

Verónica is a pre-adolescent who, faced with traditional tales, questions the roles of different “princesses” as she learns to put herself in the shoes of others and especially those of her mother. Workshops will focus on celebrating family through personal interviews with inspiring role models and students will create their own modern-day fairy tale. Community events will celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th, 2024.



MAY 3 – 18, 2024

Written by Andrew Siañez-De La O

Borderline is set in the cotton fields of Socorro, Texas, where four Latino teens threatened by a mysterious creature will have to rely on each other to escape the desert alive. It will take made-up myths, stories of the past, and a rendition of La Llorona to defeat the very real monster stalking children in the borderlands. Community discussions will dive into real-life issues on the border, and school workshops will explore “trickster tales”, myths and legends. Borderline was first presented by Milagro with Teatros Unidos in INGENIO Milagro 2018 as a live staged reading.


We’re excited to announce our season and to have you be part of it! Please use the link or QR code below to purchase tickets:


Milagro is offering flex passes this season! We have Regular Flex three and four passes, Senior Flex three and four passes, and Student Flex three and four passes. Please purchase them using the link or QR code below:


Milagro Theatre