Welcome Marketing Director Julieth Maya Buri!

Welcome Marketing Director Julieth Maya Buri!

As Tim Krause continues his next journey in life, we welcome our new Marketing
Director Julieth Maya Buri to the Milagro Theatre.

In this interview, Marketing Assistant Stefanus Gunawan has a delightful chat with Marketing Director Julieth Maya Buri about her hometown in Medellín, Colombia, Marketing experience, new role in Milagro Theatre, and future plans.

Abajo de la entrevista inglés, se pueda encontrarla en español.

Welcome Julieth Maya Buri to Milagro.
You have a wonderful
name that is written differently.  Can
you tell us how it is said correctly?

Well, you can tell that is written differently because it has an H at the end,
but in my country this is a common spelling.  Julieth with H or without it sounds the same.  I’m Hispanic and in Spanish the letter H has
no sound.  I have never noticed any
difference before until I moved to the states.
Where are you from?
I’m from Colombia.  I
was born and raised in Medellín, Colombia, the second larger city in the
country. When the Andes pass through Colombia, they form other three smaller
chains which we call cordilleras;
Medellín is located in one of the many valleys formed by them.  In Medellín, as far as your eyes can see, you
will encounter mountains.  It’s
While living in
Medellín, can you tell us a little bit about your time there and your experience
in Marketing?
In Colombia, I graduated in Business Administration and
Marketing with a focus in advertising.  I
have always felt an affinity with the arts.  I believe I chose marketing as my profession
because it’s a fusion of organizing, strategic thinking, art and innovation.  I’ve been working in Marketing for about 10 years now.
 I have worked in sales, public relations, advertising, event management, and much more, so I
think my experiences are well rounded.
 On the other hand,
I have always been passionate about theater.  I studied acting when I was 14 years old and was in and out of
acting classes for about 10 years.  At one time in my life, while working
and studying, I decided that if I
wanted to be good at something,
relative to my artistic interests, I should focus more in one.  Back then I sang in a
choir, painted and attended
acting workshops.  Because I chose to focus in
one discipline, I stopped acting and devoted my
time to painting and drawing.
Why did you move to
Because I’m brave!  Haha.  A few years ago in Colombia,
I met the man who I love, while he was on
vacation.  We were in a long
distance relationship for a couple of years until I finally moved here.  It has been over 3 years, and we
are still happily married.
What do you like about
Portland is a pretty city which helps with my home sickness.
 I like how easy it is to change the view
of this city: one hour drive and you are in the mountains, two hours’ drive and
there is the ocean.  Although both rain
and obscurity are difficult, the latter is worst.  Then again, Portland is a quiet city, and
eventually you learn how to love that and incorporate it in your own life.
What do you love to do
if you are not working, e.g., hobbies?
I’m a social person.  I
like to spend time with my friends and my husband.  I also enjoy drawing and painting.  Sometimes, I alternate painting with a good
book or cooking.
How do you feel now
since becoming the new Marketing Director here in Milagro Theatre?
very excited.
 I think I still have a lot to learn, but
gradually everything will become clearer.
 Tim, the Marketing Director I
am replacing, was super organized and clear, so that made the training process and transition smoother.  I am so honored to replace Tim’s seat and to be working at Milagro.  Our next season, my first official season, will be the 30th year for Milagro; this is a really
important season to celebrate, and I’m looking forward to it.
Speaking of being the
new Marketing Director, what would you like to achieve in Milagro Theatre?
want for everyone here in Oregon
and Washington to know about Milagro.  For over 30 years
we have celebrated the Latino arts and
culture.  This has been an important
achievement gained through years of hard work.  I want to continue
celebrating and embracing the Latino Arts and Culture.  I want it so that
when one thinks of Latino Arts
and Culture, ones thinks of Milagro Theatre.  
Any last words to the
Come and see Guapa
who is ready to make a goal for you from March 22 until April 13.