Inspiration, Abstract, Dreamlike: William Hernández

Inspiration, Abstract, Dreamlike: William Hernández

With Guapa wrapping up this weekend–tickets still available for Apr.
11-13 shows–, Milagro Theatre is elated to present its upcoming show, Dance for a Dollar, which opens its curtains May 2-25.  To complement the production, William Hernández exhibits his artwork in the lobby of Milagro Theatre.
William Hernández’s installation will include a variation of graphic techniques and a
distinctive line in every figure and urban landscape that will fill the theatre
with vivid colors and portray delicacy and serenity in figurative pieces, soul
and color in abstracts.  This blending of
styles encompasses the feeling of the dreamlike, representational world of my
About William Hernández
William Hernández trained at Lima’s Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes
(1995-2002), and moved to Portland in 2009. He creates both figurative and
abstract paintings with his distinct vision, incorporating intense colors, warm
figures and humor.  The work of William
Hernandez has been exhibited in galleries and cultural centers from Lima to
Portland, including Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, Centro Cultural
de Espana, and several venues around Portland. 
In 2007 and 2008, he participated in the U.S. Embassy’s Noche de Arte:
the largest art exhibition in Peru, a show that generates funds for the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID).  In 2011, his work was exhibited throughout La
Luna Nueva festival, a Portland event sponsored by PGE Foundation, The
Oregonian, and supported in part by a grant from the Oregon Arts Commission and
the National Endowment for the Arts. 
Aside from painting, Hernandez worked as a graphic designer for both
public and international institutions in Lima and worked as an art teacher for
El Museo de Arte.  He was one of the
organizers for the first Intercambio de Artistas Latinos (Latin American
Artists Exchange), which aims to create a network of artists in the Northwest
to share ideas, expression and art.
Hernandez artworks are in private collections in Spain, Lima, Germany,
Guatemala, Chile, France, Australia, Belgium and the United States.
Artist Statement
Art is a journey full of creative and expressive possibilities with one
single objective: to be sincere in all that one does.  My life is full of color, and I feel the necessity
to express that chromatic gamut on the canvas, reinventing and designing my
hopes and desires through the figures that I create.  My artwork is heavily influenced by urban
life; I mix playful, dreamlike figures with vibrant city scapes.    
My art involves different graphic techniques and a distinctive line in
every figure and urban landscape.  My art
portrays delicacy and serenity in figurative pieces, soul and color in
abstracts.  This blending of styles
encompasses the feeling of the dreamlike, representational world of my works.