They will dance Duranguense!

They will dance Duranguense!

Duranguense is a style of music that originates from Chicago and was inspired
by the northern state of Durango. Durango is one of Mexico’s least populated
states and it is composed of stark 
and mountainous country sides.
It’s also been the backdrop of many old Western films. Durango connected to
Chicago during the early 20th century because Illinois had the most
railroad development before the Mexican Revolution, and workers were lured to
come and work for the railroad.
 While the population in Durango has declined,
more inhabitants have settled in Chicago and formed communities in the city and
other neighboring towns. At the heart of the Duranguense is the tamborazo,
which was a popular instrument during the Mexican Revolution. Popular costumes
include the iconic chunky belt, cowboy boots, and sombrero. One of the common
themes in the Duranguense is “The Outlaw,” and the musicians sometimes make
subtle references to the drug trade in Mexico. 
Duranguense, one of the many musical styles you will enjoy in Dance for a Dollar— theatre /dance presentantion—opening May 2- 25,2013. For tickets and information or 5032367253