Thanksgiving Throwback Thurdsay

Thanksgiving Throwback Thurdsay

On October 29, our fourth annual fall fundraising dinner, ¡Viva Milagro!, went off with great success, and what better day than today to take the opportunity and express our gratitude to all our supporters and collaborators. In that spirit, we wish you a happy holiday, and would like to share the lovely bendición that Olga Sanchez, our Artistic Director, wrote for the Día de Muertos-themed dinner, and adapted for this holiday:

La bendición (the blessing)
(Edited for Thanksgiving)

Life is a dream, said the Mexica poet-princes,
We awaken when we cross to el otro lado and clearly see
Our flaws and foibles, our misunderstanding, our worries…

Those who are awake, do they remember as we do? Do they watch us from beyond, seeing so much more than we can about what’s real?  We thank them for sharing their restless, brief, sweet dream-time with us.

We honor the elders, their wisdom and understanding; 30 seasons of theatre-making with those who performed on the stage of life, and exited before us. They charge us with sustaining what they helped build.  They gave us our Legacy, Milagro.

We honor the dawning sun, lighting the way toward new directions.  The children whose youth & innocence remind us to Embrace Life with full hearts, to Risk, to create, and to discover wonder in all things…
We honor health and vigor. Love of a passionate sort, that gets the blood flowing, that makes us do crazy things. That makes us play the fool, at times. The dead laugh when we tumble head over heels, they cry when they see our hearts break. Love is the deepest dream in all of life.
We honor the spirit, the present.  At the door to the afterlife, the Shaman holds the keys, standing in the threshold, calling upon the natural world and the spiritual realm to keep us whole. This is point of Balance between what we know and what we believe.

In the spirit of Legacy, Risk, Love and Balance, let us remember and thank
Those who loved us, taught us, inspired us and left us
But who are not gone.  We are blessed.  ¡Qué viva!