Milagro Theatre

Meet the Muertos: Gerardo Calderón

Meet the Muertos: Gerardo Calderón

As we move closer and closer to opening night for ¡Viva la Revolución!, our Day of the Dead celebration, we’ve been sharing the biographies of the performers you’ll see onstage. You can read those that have already been published on our blog, and keep checking back for a look backstage at our top-notch production team, continuing with our sound designer Gerardo Calderón.

Gerardo, the Musical Director of Grupo Condor and Nuestro Canto, studied classical guitar at the Escuela Superior de Musica in Mexico City and music theory at the Portland Community College. As a professional musician, Gerardo has pursued traditional Mexican music, Latin American folk music and pre-Columbian music by performing with folk ensembles in Mexico, Canada, New England and the Pacific Northwest. Gerardo also makes custom panflutes, rain-sticks, water drums, turtle boxes and bombos. His recent work at Miracle includes The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa and Viva Don Juan.

Milagro Theatre