Over the summer, Miracle Theatre Group has been working on a “brand audit” — a series of exercises in which we look at just what the “Miracle/Milagro” brand is, how we are communicating that, and how the public is receiving it. You might have participated via a patron survey, focus group or interview. It’s been a lively conversation all summer and we’re not done yet! In fact, we’ve only just begun the analysis portion of what all this information means.
We invited one of our summer interns Winnie Albright to create some visual aids, including these four composites that present the answer to the question, “If Miracle Theatre Group were a person, what would he or she be like?” Based on all the responses, Winnie assembled these character collages, which we find fascinating starting points for conversation.
Interviews with Milagro staff and board of directors, for example, led Winnie to create this image:
An analysis of responses to our surveys of patrons, educators and artists led to this compilation:
Conversations among six focus groups generated this collage:
Now it’s your turn … If Miracle Theatre Group were a person, what would he or she be like?